Monday 2 October 2017

52nd Book Review on GoodReads

I recently finished reading the book Room by Emma Donoghue and enjoyed it so much it has now become my 52nd Book Review on GoodReads. Below are images of the book's cover and my review which is now on my GoodReads page.

Room by Emma Donoghue

I was a bit wary of watching the film, let alone reading the book, considering its distressing subject matter. Having now read the book and watched the film I would say they are both strangely heart-warming, life-affirming and quite inspirational. To five year old Jack, Room and Ma are the whole world. There are dark secrets lurking and an escape is planned, but because of Ma's great mothering skills Jack finds the outside world a much scarier prospect than life with Ma in their cell-like room. I won't give too much away, but I would reccommend both the book and the film, they are thought provoking and could provide some strength and encouragement to those in difficult situations, trying to find a way to both cope, with how life is, and to escape, to something better.

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